The Armory 2017.42

There were only 6 at the Armory this day.  I suppose some were intimidated by the forecast of rain, but mother nature for some reason waits for 6am for these kinds of things.

SSH, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Merkins

The Thang
Mosey to the playground patio for some not so good ideas…

Drop sets:
Snatch x10 EA, Monkey Row x15 EA, Front Row x20
Sitting Leg Raises x20, Russian Twist, Freddy Mercury
Dead Hangs from chain 15 sec (not to self: this is much harder than a rope, don’t try this without gloves), from horizontal bar 30 sec, modified dead hang 60 seconds… hopefully no one has to hang on to anything to save their lives.
Mil Press x10 EA, Tricep Ext x15, Skull Crusher x20
Sitting Leg Raises x20, Russian Twist, Freddy Mercury

For legs was the slow lunge walk with bell pass through, then sprint for a total distance of 100 yards.   3 rounds: 20/80, 30/70, 40/60… FNG Tenure ran like he was storming Normandy.  He can carry his weight really fast when needed.

Mosey back to COT for some Protractor round robin.

A hope that all those affected by the untimely deaths of kids from the community may be met with some understanding and the trust that we love the One in control.

TClap |

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